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Wound preparation

Prepare to heal It’s clinically proven that cleansing and debridement speeds up wound healing1,2

  • Wound preparation is a crucial step in wound management1
  • Proper wound preparation will lead to faster healing and improved patient care2

Simplifying cleansing & debridement to support optimal wound preparation

Wound preparation is a crucial step in wound management.

Slough, devatilised tissue and biofilms can all delay the wound healing process as they may:

  • Increase the risk of infection
  • Limit wound assessment
  • Inhibit the development of healthy tissue

Delayed wound healing may lead to:

  • Decreased patient quality of life
  • Increased time burden of wound treatment
  • Increased cost burden of wound treatment
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Best practice recommendations

Best practice recommendations

Wound preparation by cleansing and debridement using Alprep® Pad.Wound preparation by cleansing and debridement using Alprep® Pad.

Wound preparation, which encompasses cleansing and debridement, involves preparing the skin and all areas of the wound for healing. Cleansing and debridement are clinically proven to speed up wound healing by removing slough, devitalised tissue and biofilm (Wilcox et al, 2013). Removing the barriers that may delay wound healing is a crucial step in wound care, allowing wound assessment, reducing risk of infection and promoting development of healthy tissue.

Benefits of Alprep Pad

Alprep Pad is a two-in-one cleansing and debridement tool designed for improved absorption and ease of use.

Two tools in one

The open structure of the dark grey foam is for loosening. The light grey softer foam is for absorbing and capturing.

Designed for improved absorption

Unique slits design increases the absorption and captures loosened slough, non-viable tissue and biofilms.

Easy and convenient to use

The special triangular shape makes for comfortable handling. The packaging can also be used to wet and hold the pad.

Learn about Alprep Pad and request a sample

How to cleanse and debride a wound with Alprep Pad

You can use both sides of Alprep Pad - it is two tools in one.

The dark grey foam is for loosening and the light grey foam is for absorbing and capturing. Loosen first or absorb first, depending on the wound.

Alprep Pad has been specially designed to be easy to use and control, giving you the flexibility to reach areas in the wound where debridement is needed.

Learn how to use Alprep Pad

Learn how to use Alprep Pad


View references
  1. Wounds UK. (2013). Effective debridement in a changing NHS: a UK consensus: London.
  2. Wilcox, J. R., Carter, M. J. and Covington, S. (2013). Frequency of Debridements and Time to Heal: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 312 744 Wounds. JAMA Dermatology, 149(9): 1050-1058

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