Journal Club - Edition 1
Welcome to this first edition of the Coloplast Professional Journal Club. The Journal Club aims to provide you with interesting articles to help support you and your service. 
Each newsletter will include a full reference and a brief description of the article. If you do not have an account to search and download these articles, contact your hospital library and they will be able to support you in obtaining them.
In these ever-changing times it is important to remember the fundamentals of what we do, from the impact on short bowel syndrome to how stoma formation can have an impact on sexuality and these 4 articles make interesting and thought-provoking reading.
Please click on the button under each article for the full reference, abstract and discussion.
Covid colorectal article

Nurse-led telephone outreach for a COVID adapted suspected colorectal cancer pathway

There was only ever going to one topic for the first article of the Journal Club. COVID 19 has had a massive impact on all parts of the NHS and the changes which have had to be made will be felt for years to come. Challenge drives change, and this article is a good example of change in action and how one hospital met these challenges head on.

Patient led survey on sexual function after surgery article

"let's talk about sex": a patient led survey on sexual function after colorectal and pelvic floor surgery

Leading on from the previous article and how we can learn from “experts by experience”, this  article looks at the lived experiences of individuals following colorectal and pelvic floor surgery and the sometimes-taboo subject of sex and sexuality. The impact of colorectal and pelvic floor surgery and its effects on sexuality cannot be underestimated. 
Quality of life in colostomy patients article

Quality of life in colostomy patients practicing colonic irrigation: An observational study

Quality of Life is something that as individuals  (and nurses) we all value and strive for. This paper highlights the positive effect that Colostomy irrigation (CI) can have on an individual.

Short Bowel Syndrome article

Short Bowel Syndrome and the impact of patients and their families: a qualitative study

This article explores and gives insights into an area of care that can be challenging and identifies the effect on of short gut on both the individual and their family. It challenges our thinking and enables us to see this area of care from the perspective of the patient and their family.